Course Curriculum

    1. Video: Welcome to Critical Incident Response Training

    2. Video: Meet Your Instructors

    1. Video: Why Train for Critical Incident Response? A Risk Manager's Perspective

    2. Quiz: Why Train for Critical Incident Response? A Risk Management Perspective

    3. Why Train for Critical Incident Response? A Legal Perspective

    4. Quiz: Why Train for Critical Incident Response? A Legal Perspective

    5. PDF: Key Terminology

    1. Video: Professionalism & Risk Management

    2. Quiz: Professionalism & Risk Management

    1. Video: Legal Framework of Critical Incident Response

    2. PDF: Legal Framework

    3. Quiz: Legal Framework

    1. Video: Understanding Risk - Inform & Warn

    2. PDF: Inform & Warn

    3. Quiz: Inform & Warn

    1. Video: Critical Incident Response Plan Overview

    2. Quiz: Critical Incident Response Plan Overview

    3. Video: On-Scene Critical Incident Response Plans

    4. Quiz: On-Scene Critical Incident Response Plans

    5. Video: In-Office Critical Incident Response Plans

    6. Quiz: In-Office Critical Incident Response Plans

    7. PDF: Critical Incident Response Plans

Client Testimonial: Zachary Collier

Owner - Northwest Rafting

"Our guides and office staff loved this training. It answered so many questions they had and helped clarify their responsibilities when an accident happens. For some, it opened their eyes to their full responsibilities as a wilderness guide. I personally feel much more prepared to handle a serious accident - the biggest source of stress and anxiety as an outfitter. I can’t recommend this course enough for owners, guides, and office staff.”

How To Enroll Your Team

  • Determine the number of students you would like to enroll in the training.

  • Contact Recreation Law Group for a quote designed for your unique business or organization.

  • Train your team on the timeline that works best for your company or organization.